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      OH.VA.K-12.2         STANDARD: Students create artworks that demonstrate understanding of materials, processes, tools, media, techniques and available technology.  They understand how to use art elements, principles and images to communicate their ideas in a variety of visual forms.

      OH.VA.9-12.2.A      BENCHMARK: Demonstrate mastery of materials, concepts and personal concentration when creating orginal art works.

      OH.VA.11.2.A.1      Create orginal works of art that demonstrate increased complexity and skill and which use a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media.

      OH.VA.9-12.3.C       BENCHMARK: Critique their own work, the works of peers and other artists on the basis of the formal, technical and expressive aspects in the works.



  • Simulation 
  • Problem Solving
  • Peer editing
  • Reflection/Response

Bloom's Critical Thinking Used:

  • Knowledge
  • Comprehension
  • Application
  • Analysis
  • Evaluation

Multiple Intelligences Exercised:

  • Visual/Spatial
  • Logical/Mathematical
  • Bodily/Kinesthetic
  • Verbal/Linquistic

Domains Addressed:

  • Cognitive
  • Kinesthetic
  • Social

Assessment (y = Reflection process and x= For Product)

Y= Observation

X= Portfolio

X= Rubric


Essential Questions:

  • What do I want people to think about me as an artist when looking at my card?
  • What information and why do I feel I should include?
  • What is the importance of a business card for young artists?
  • How does having an official business card make me feel?

Accomodations (IEP, 504, Skill Level, and/or Multiculturalism):

Longer work time, aid, one on one help during after school open studio


Background Knowledge Needed:

Adobe Photoshop, Past Art Work Experience



Teacher's Digital Camera, Adobe Photoshop, printer, paper



1-3 mins Open Adobe Photoshop

1-2 mins Create New Document (3.5x2)

***Rest of time designing, creating, and revising***

2-3 mins when design is approved by teacher create sheet of cards

1-2 mins print out full page of cards

Turn in one completed card for grading.


Total Estimated Time:  Roughly 1-3 Class Periods


Reflection After Lesson Implentation:

  • To what extent did students learn what you intended? How do you know?
  • Did you do anything differently than what you planned? If so, why?
  • What would I do differently next time?