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  1. Figure Drawing from Life - This is one of the most important works you can produce for an effective portfolio (This encompasses portraits, drawing of hands and feet).
  2. Drawing a Self-Portrait - Many schools will request a candidate to include a self-portrait in their portfolio. 
  3. Still-Life from Life- If you can set up your own still-life, that is the best option and one you should strive to perform as a young artist.  Drawing what you "see" is one of the most important skills an artist can learn in their career.
    Figures, Portraits, and Still-Lives from References (photos/digital images) - Students must use their own references for their art work (No copy righted material allowed). Even "public domain" images from the internet should be avoided.  Your creative process should start from your own ideas not someone elses creativity.
  4. Purely Creative and Experimental Drawings - This encompasses abstractions, expressive works, action drawings, color fields, etc. 
  5. Presentation is Everything - Always mat your works for the portfolio.  Professionalism starts now and not when you graduate from college.  This refers to digital portfolio also. Make sure all images are clear and accurate.